ReNEW Biblical Counseling
FREE Biblical Counseling for anyone in need! This ministry was established by Tad and Angela Kruse. Their office is located at 1Mosaic's Outreach Center located at 737 E. Beecher St. in Adrian, MI. You will feel at ease talking to their compassionate and knowledgeable counselors.
We are not here by mistake or chance. We were created by God for His purpose. The Bible says that “you are not your own” 1 Corinthians 6:19. Unfortunately, the world that we live in tells us time and time again that we are indeed our own. The Bible gives clear instruction against living by this world's standards.“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will” Romans 12:2.
Many times we allow the “patterns of this world” to blindly lead us through life without stopping to think or ask why God specifically created us. God knows you personally and He designed every detail of who you are for a specific purpose, His purpose. Until we “transform” our thoughts and goals from self centered to God centered we will struggle to find peace. God wants to “renew” our minds and get us in line with His will for our life. When we let go of our selfish desires and grab hold of God's “good, pleasing and perfect will” then, and only then, will we be fulfilling what we were created for.
Why biblical counseling? Because only the word of God is worthy of helping you find the will of God. That is our goal here at RENEW. We exist to help you find God's will for your life. Notice that I didn't say that we were going to make you happy. What makes us happy is not always good for us or what God designed us for. The Bible says, “for those who are self- seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.” Romans 2:8.
So let's take our eyes off “self “ and “happiness” for awhile and focus on God and His will for our life. Then this God, that is love, will give us something more lasting and beautiful than happiness. He will give us the peace and joy that flows from being fully engaged with His will for our lives while being surrounded by His unconditional and unending love and that will change your life forever.
Many times we allow the “patterns of this world” to blindly lead us through life without stopping to think or ask why God specifically created us. God knows you personally and He designed every detail of who you are for a specific purpose, His purpose. Until we “transform” our thoughts and goals from self centered to God centered we will struggle to find peace. God wants to “renew” our minds and get us in line with His will for our life. When we let go of our selfish desires and grab hold of God's “good, pleasing and perfect will” then, and only then, will we be fulfilling what we were created for.
Why biblical counseling? Because only the word of God is worthy of helping you find the will of God. That is our goal here at RENEW. We exist to help you find God's will for your life. Notice that I didn't say that we were going to make you happy. What makes us happy is not always good for us or what God designed us for. The Bible says, “for those who are self- seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.” Romans 2:8.
So let's take our eyes off “self “ and “happiness” for awhile and focus on God and His will for our life. Then this God, that is love, will give us something more lasting and beautiful than happiness. He will give us the peace and joy that flows from being fully engaged with His will for our lives while being surrounded by His unconditional and unending love and that will change your life forever.